No Contact Rule for guys with ANXIETY! How to OVERCOME your Breakup!

No Contact Rule for guys with ANXIETY! How to OVERCOME your Breakup! Watch the subtitled video above if you prefer to listen to my advice. In today's video we're going to talk about no contact with anxiety. Ah well, not necessarily just anxiety but just feeling really distraught, depression,...

No Contact Rule for guys with ANXIETY! How to OVERCOME your Breakup!

Let’s talk about no contact when you have anxiety, feel extremely distraught, have depression, getting a tight chest from overthinking, and you’re generally feeling terrible after the breakup. How to cope with the breakpup and how do you overcome your breakup? Doing No Contact is so hard when you don’t want to mess up with…

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Hallo, ich bin Andy Graziosi. Ich helfe Männern ihr Selbstvertrauen zu entfalten und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Meine wissenschaftlich fundierte Philosophie lautet: „Der König ist bereits ein Gewinner.“ — Erstaunliche Frauen fühlen sich bereits zu dir hingezogen. Alles, was ein König tun muss, ist diese Anziehungskraft zu seinem Vorteil zu nutzen.

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My Ex Started Talking to me AGAIN But she’s Talking to ANOTHER Guy

My Ex Started Talking to me AGAIN But she’s Talking to ANOTHER Guy

Let’s talk about an ex who’s talking to another guy and you’re thinking that he’s causing problems. Very often, when your ex is dating another man he is not causing problems. You might think that she’s moving on with him, but often this guy will only help her realize that she misses you. And sometimes…

Clear signs she’s LEADING YOU ON and you SHOULD Move On!

Clear signs she’s LEADING YOU ON and you SHOULD Move On!

Let’s talk about ex re-attraction and signs of an ex leading you on. Sometimes you should move on because she doesn’t value & appreciate you. When you try to re-attract an ex, it’s common that you don’t go in a straight line. You don’t just start from no contact on day one, everything goes smoothly…

Powerful Proof no contact WORKS! BACK TOGETHER After 2 Years

Powerful Proof no contact WORKS! BACK TOGETHER After 2 Years

Let’s talk about being successful with getting your ex back, re-attracting her, being happy again together. This is a success story of one of my clients who at first, like most guys, was not focusing on the right things during no contact but once you change your focus, your ex will start to treat you…

FIRST DATE after No Contact: How to Convince your ex to TRY AGAIN?

FIRST DATE after No Contact: How to Convince your ex to TRY AGAIN?

Let’s talk about what to do on a first date with an ex. On a date with an ex, especially with the first one, but in general, every date, you should embrace a mentality that I often see from Indonesians. They always say “Santai” or “Sabar”, which means relax and patience. With your ex you gotta…

Passive Man DILEMMA — Why do Nice Guys Always Get HURT?

Passive Man DILEMMA — Why do Nice Guys Always Get HURT?

Let’s talk about getting rejected and being too much of a nice guy, and the correlation. With women you have to be a little bit aggressive. Not too aggressive, of course. Don’t be a tool. But you got to escalate with women. Don’t please them. Maybe even upset them. Or displease them when they want…

We’re CASUALLY Dating Again after No Contact BUT my ex is Stubborn

We’re CASUALLY Dating Again after No Contact BUT my ex is Stubborn

Let’s talk about getting an ex back when you’ve done no contact and voila! Your ex came back! You’re talking again. You’re casually dating again! But your ex is stubborn. Like you just can’t get her to commit, or your ex is still confused or doesn’t know yet if she wants to get back together…

The Alpha Male STOIC RESPONSE to a Woman’s Congruence Test

The Alpha Male STOIC RESPONSE to a Woman’s Congruence Test

Let’s talk about receiving shit tests from women. Shit tests are when a woman tests your confidence. She will test whether you follow through with your opinion or whether you are going to go against the grain of what she has to say. She’s going to test whether you’re confident enough to lead and say…

Should I Contact My Ex On Valentine’s Day?

Should I Contact My Ex On Valentine’s Day?

Let’s talk about reaching out to an ex for Valentine’s Day. It is V Day, aka Vagina Day, where all the women hope that their vaginas will get activated and where all guys hope that they get a piece it. Valentine’s Day is one of those days that really hurts when you had a breakup…

Should you date SINGLE MOMS? The RISKS of Dating Single Moms

Should you date SINGLE MOMS? The RISKS of Dating Single Moms

Let’s talk about dating a single mom or a woman who is older than you. Is it a good idea? Is there a threshold where you can say, yeah, you can date her or not? Without spoiling too much, dating single moms often leads to trouble and you shouldn’t date them, even if you care about…

Dumper FEELINGS: Truth of What an Ex Feels DURING No Contact

Dumper FEELINGS: Truth of What an Ex Feels DURING No Contact

Let’s talk about an ex who seemingly moves on really fast. She posts happy stuff on social media. She seems like everything is lovey-dovey. And meanwhile, you’re struggling and you’re trying to figure out what does this mean? Is she really moving on? Seeing this is so painful and makes you lose all hope that…

Always REBUILD Confidence after Breakups — EX BACK vs MOVE ON

Always REBUILD Confidence after Breakups — EX BACK vs MOVE ON

Let’s talk about moving on versus no contact to re-attract your ex. You want your ex back, but getting back with your ex isn’t always the best choice. The no contact rule always has to be used to work on yourself, to rebuild, and if you get back with your ex girlfriend in the future…

Why your ex JUMPED into a rebound relationship After a BAD BREAKUP

Why your ex JUMPED into a rebound relationship After a BAD BREAKUP

Let’s talk about bad breakups in tandem with your ex being in a rebound relationship. When you had a really messy relationship or breakup and your ex start dating a new guy, is it game over for you? Especially if the rebound guy is very attractive? Should you give up all hopes of getting back together…

ACE your first date: What TO DO on a first date to SEDUCE a Woman?

ACE your first date: What TO DO on a first date to SEDUCE a Woman?

Let’s talk about seducing a woman on the first date or how the guy in this message calls it: Smashing on the first date! Can you actually get it done? Seducing a woman is a balancing act, but it also depends a lot on the type of woman that you’re going out with. Sometimes, you can…

Should I DATE her even though she FLAKED but wants to RESCHEDULE?

Should I DATE her even though she FLAKED but wants to RESCHEDULE?

What to do if a woman flakes on you but she actually reschedules. Should you still be dating her? There’s a lot of controversial ideas going around this if you look at the red pill sphere. Some guys are easily getting butthurt about girls flaking, pulling back, not giving attention, or being low interest…

Why not giving too much attention to a girl will get her in bed!

Why not giving too much attention to a girl will get her in bed!

Here’s one of the funniest dating contradictions any man should know: If you want to have great sex in abundance with women, all you have to do is not be invested in women… That’s right! Ironically, the less you give a shit about sleeping with women, the more likely it is that she’s going to want…

I STALKED my Ex Girlfriend a LOT! Can I STILL Get Her Back?

I STALKED my Ex Girlfriend a LOT! Can I STILL Get Her Back?

Let’s talk about making the massive mistake of stalking an ex-girlfriend. Being obsessed with her and being unable to let go. And of course, you will think that you screwed up beyond repair. You are sure that you ruined your chances with your ex. Is it really over? Or can you turn this around even…

Dating red flags! She leaves behind a pile of dead bodies bleeding to death!

Dating red flags! She leaves behind a pile of dead bodies bleeding to death!

Do you know why it’s called dating red flags? It’s because women who treat men without respect and dignity leave a pile of dead bodies bleeding to death. The path of a destructive woman is plastered with men whose hearts have been broken. It breaks my heart seeing men who accept the toxic behaviors of disrespectful…