Watch the subtitled video above if you prefer to listen to my advice. One of the most important dating lessons that I would like you to learn rather sooner than later is that there's a massive stream of incredibly beautiful women...
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Dating abundance mentality: Dating a beautiful woman is easy… 1000s p**** want you!
One of the most important dating lessons that I would like you to learn rather sooner than later is that there’s a massive stream of incredibly beautiful women out there and a lot of these women actually want you to talk to them. There are hundreds, no thousands of women who are attracted to you…
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Hallo, ich bin Andy Graziosi. Ich helfe Männern ihr Selbstvertrauen zu entfalten und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Meine wissenschaftlich fundierte Philosophie lautet: „Der König ist bereits ein Gewinner.“ — Erstaunliche Frauen fühlen sich bereits zu dir hingezogen. Alles, was ein König tun muss, ist diese Anziehungskraft zu seinem Vorteil zu nutzen.
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