The Alpha Male STOIC RESPONSE to a Woman’s Congruence Test

The Alpha Male STOIC RESPONSE to a Woman’s Congruence Test Watch the subtitled video above if you prefer to listen to my advice. In today's video we're going to talk about shit tests. Fuck. YouTube no longer allows swearing in the beginning, whatever. Shit tests are basically when a woman tests...

The Alpha Male STOIC RESPONSE to a Woman’s Congruence Test

Let’s talk about receiving shit tests from women. Shit tests are when a woman tests your confidence. She will test whether you follow through with your opinion or whether you are going to go against the grain of what she has to say. She’s going to test whether you’re confident enough to lead and say…

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Hallo, ich bin Andy Graziosi. Ich helfe Männern ihr Selbstvertrauen zu entfalten und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Meine wissenschaftlich fundierte Philosophie lautet: „Der König ist bereits ein Gewinner.“ — Erstaunliche Frauen fühlen sich bereits zu dir hingezogen. Alles, was ein König tun muss, ist diese Anziehungskraft zu seinem Vorteil zu nutzen.

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When she notices you make a move on her & just approach her FAST!

When she notices you make a move on her & just approach her FAST!

If you’d ask a woman what one of the worst things is that happens in a club, she’ll definitely bring up how annoying it is to see an endless line of men who stare at her non-stop without talking to her. The negative effect of staring at a woman for too long is so strong…

How to date a high value woman? Don’t focus on incredible women, be incredible!

How to date a high value woman? Don’t focus on incredible women, be incredible!

If you want to date a unique and special woman who’s smart, successful, and smoking hot, then you gotta have the right priorities in life. To be with a woman who will repeatedly blow your mind and more, don’t make the common mistake of focusing on dating an incredible woman. Instead, the secret to dating such…

FWB Rules: Turn friends with benefits into more if she just wants casual?!

FWB Rules: Turn friends with benefits into more if she just wants casual?!

If you’re dating a woman, everything is fine, but she only wants to keep things casual but you’d like more… What should you do? Should you stay friends with benefits in the hopes to turn it into a relationship in the future? Or can you just turn your feelings off and agree on keeping it casual…

Ignore her and she will come to you?! The power of rejecting a woman!

Ignore her and she will come to you?! The power of rejecting a woman!

Here’s a messed-up dating fact that will drive you insane when you’re still an inexperienced guy: Women will often start feeling attracted to you or gain more attraction for you when you reject them or platonic relationships with them. It seems counterintuitive but it makes perfect sense that women get turned on when you reject…

The sex is so great! But am I her rebound guy? Will she stay with me?!

The sex is so great! But am I her rebound guy? Will she stay with me?!

If you’re dating an amazing woman but she just recently had a breakup and you’re most likely her rebound, should you be worried, and is it a lost cause? Here’s why there’s nothing to worry about if you make no mistakes! Bad timing happens but that doesn’t mean that just because you are a woman’s rebound…

When she reaches out to you it’s a sign she wants you to ask her out!

When she reaches out to you it’s a sign she wants you to ask her out!

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Getting GHOSTED by a Girl ROCKS! Do This if she Ghosts you!

Getting GHOSTED by a Girl ROCKS! Do This if she Ghosts you!

Let’s gonna talk about women who ghost or low interest women. It’s really important that you distinguish between the two because a woman who’s low interest is only losing a little bit of attraction. That’s normal. Sometimes a woman is just not fully convinced about you. She’s like the waves. But if she ghosts you…

When a Woman TESTS her Man: What Tests MEAN from Women?

When a Woman TESTS her Man: What Tests MEAN from Women?

Let’s talk about shit tests, called that way because they are full of shit. There are certain tests that women do with men that often seem like they’re just making no sense. Why are you throwing this test at me? Why are you trying to test if I approve of your opinion? Why are you trying…

Bad Boy APPEAL: Why do Women Only Like Jerks Who MISBEHAVE?

Bad Boy APPEAL: Why do Women Only Like Jerks Who MISBEHAVE?

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When she GHOSTS you and Comes Back DON’T Roll Out a Red Carpet!

When she GHOSTS you and Comes Back DON’T Roll Out a Red Carpet!

Let’s talk about women who ghost, or in general, flaky women who pull back. Women who go hot and cold. Women who lose interest, and then they come back at some point. How do you deal with that and make progress? Should you make progress if you’ve been ghosted? Don’t just roll out the red carpet…

Orbiters! Protect your relationship from outsiders & date a high quality woman!

Orbiters! Protect your relationship from outsiders & date a high quality woman!

Truth bomb time: Your relationship is always under attack and it is your job to protect it! Men, let’s be real: We easily feel attracted to any woman that we find hot — it’s just how we are wired. If she’s our type, we are turned on. Women are similar. They are easily attracted to a man’s…

Why do Women COME BACK?! Dating POWER Dynamics for Guys

Why do Women COME BACK?! Dating POWER Dynamics for Guys

Let’s talk about women who come back. They always come back! Exes always come back. This might sound hyperbolic, but I would say 95% of the time, they will come back at least once to test out the waters, to check if you might have improved, or if you’re no longer insecure, if something about you…

TikTok! Patience wins with woman! A woman chooses the man!

TikTok! Patience wins with woman! A woman chooses the man!

Being successful with women is kind of a paradox. On one hand, it’s crucial to make a move, have confidence, and show that you’re not afraid to take action, and that you want her. It’s about proving that you’re a fearless king. Going unapologetically for what you want symbolizes confidence. But on the other side…

Women ALWAYS Pull Away a little but the Confident Alpha Male NEVER Pushes

Women ALWAYS Pull Away a little but the Confident Alpha Male NEVER Pushes

Let’s talk about the reality that push and pull is something that almost always happens when dating women. You gotta be prepared for that. And because of that, it’s so important not attach too much, too fast, and preferably date multiple women or at least have multiple options. You always should date more than one woman…