Always REBUILD Confidence after Breakups — EX BACK vs MOVE ON

Always REBUILD Confidence after Breakups — EX BACK vs MOVE ON Watch the subtitled video above if you prefer to listen to my advice. In today's video, we're going to talk about moving on versus no contact. So I got a message from a guy who actually came to my channel because he wanted to get his ex...

Always REBUILD Confidence after Breakups — EX BACK vs MOVE ON

Let’s talk about moving on versus no contact to re-attract your ex. You want your ex back, but getting back with your ex isn’t always the best choice. The no contact rule always has to be used to work on yourself, to rebuild, and if you get back with your ex girlfriend in the future…

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Hallo, ich bin Andy Graziosi. Ich helfe Männern ihr Selbstvertrauen zu entfalten und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Meine wissenschaftlich fundierte Philosophie lautet: „Der König ist bereits ein Gewinner.“ — Erstaunliche Frauen fühlen sich bereits zu dir hingezogen. Alles, was ein König tun muss, ist diese Anziehungskraft zu seinem Vorteil zu nutzen.

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Always REBUILD Confidence after Breakups — EX BACK vs MOVE ON

Always REBUILD Confidence after Breakups — EX BACK vs MOVE ON

Let’s talk about moving on versus no contact to re-attract your ex. You want your ex back, but getting back with your ex isn’t always the best choice. The no contact rule always has to be used to work on yourself, to rebuild, and if you get back with your ex girlfriend in the future…