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Is it a REBOUND or PRE-PLANNED? Do you REALLY Want her Back?!

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Breakups imitate life. There are certain immutable truths to life such as the sun setting in the West, the bird chirping at dawn, and an ex girlfriend having a rebound relationship after a breakup. None of these truths will ever change. Because that is the way of life. Wondering whether the guy your ex girlfriend is talking to is a rebound or not is pointless. A woman can get a new man as quickly as a social justice warrior can change their pronouns. If your ex girlfriend is talking to another man, you should assume that she’s currently rebounding, or at least he is one of the options she is currently evaluating. Most of the time, your ex girlfriend is rebounding with another man because she is hurting and doesn’t want to face her breakup pain.

But that’s not to say that there can’t be exceptions to the rule. Nature sometimes presents us with strange anomalies. Near the Arctic Circle, the sun rises from the north and sets in the north during the June solstice. And in rare cases, your ex girlfriend is not rebounding to try and move on from your relationship. Sometimes your ex girlfriend does not regret losing you and the fact that she already has another man is just a sign that she never cared about you. In that case, she’s also an anomaly of nature — she’s one of the 5% of female narcissists who treat their boyfriends like disposable objects to use, throw away, and re-use as they see fit.

In these situations, your ex girlfriend has been planning to abandon you for a long time, not only because she was justifiably unhappy with the relationship, but because it’s in her nature to be unhappy with her boyfriends. This behavior that can easily be confused with rebounding is called monkey branching. Being in denial about being in love with a woman who was excited about replacing you with another man is as futile as being a flat earther who doesn’t want to accept that the sun doesn’t set near the Arctic Circle because the earth is round. Sometimes, you just have to accept the truth or you’ll look like, and eventually feel like an idiot.

So, today I got a message from a man who needs a dose of truth about the rebound situation with his ex girlfriend. She is with another man I want to help him figure out whether his ex-girlfriend is rebounding and misses him dearly, or whether she has been monkey-branching and preparing herself to date another man for a long time. You should only get back with your ex girlfriend if her rebound situation is the result of loss & grief.

When an ex moves on quickly it’s a bad sign. No normal human being can move on quickly after a breakup, especially after many years of being together. A rebound is almost always just a temporary act of desperation to fill the void that appears after a painful breakup. It’s impossible to quickly jump into a rebound relationship and be happy with another partner. This is why 93% of all rebound relationships fail. If your ex girlfriend is moving on too fast, not battling her demons and emotions, and in fact, is enjoying that she dumped you, then it’s time to let her go.

So, let’s see whether your ex is treating her new guy as a pre-planned replacement for your relationship, or whether her rebounding is just an impulsive decision that she’s going to regret. Was her new man already in the picture before the breakup? Has she been flirting with another man before she ended the relationship? Or is she going to come around and face her breakup pain, miss you, and reach out to you when she does? Let’s see.

You Didn’t Even Beg her to Stay: When she is Already Dating Someone Else — She Moved On Fast!

Hello coach, I want to ask you about my ex-girlfriend who’s in a rebound relationship right now. Her name is Ashley. Ashley and I broke up one and a half months ago and of course, I’ve been doing no contact since then. I’ll proudly say that I did no contact right from the start, no desperation or begging aside from trying to keep us together, obviously.

Great, you’ve been doing everything right after the breakup. You clearly expressed that you don’t want the breakup. This is how you should handle a breakup as a man. You try one time to resolve the issue with her.

“Babe, I really don’t want to lose you. I love you and I want us to work on our problems. We can fix this. Let’s try to make it work. Let’s sit down and try to understand where things went wrong.”

Usually, the thing that turns an ex-girlfriend off even more after a breakup is the continuous begging and pleading when she gives up on the relationship. If you handle the breakup with dignity and accept her decision to leave, then you don’t make her lose respect, and in fact, she will begin missing you a lot faster than you’d expect.

The best thing to do after a breakup is to express your desire to mend the relationship once, and if she does not want to — which is almost always the case because it’s too late at that point — that’s when you walk away from her forever and the only way how you will get back together is if she comes back to you and expresses her regret about how she handled the breakup.

So you kept your dignity and let go of her. You didn’t beg. That’s the best-case scenario for starting the no contact rule. If you’ve come here for advice and you did not follow this approach, then don’t beat yourself up. Lick your wounds. You made a mistake. Now get up, and keep walking forward. It’s never too late to regain your dignity after a breakup. No matter how you screwed up after your breakup, recognize that today’s a new day and you can make a decision to row the boat in a better direction.

Yes, if you’ve begged, you prolonged the time it will take for your ex girlfriend to miss you and for a baseline of respect to be re-established. No matter how you handled the breakup, recognize that time heals all wounds and any reasonable ex girlfriend will recognize that you are a good man once you give her some space and time to think about the relationship.

Now, in your case, you’ve done everything right and that should give your ex girlfriend pause. With an ex girlfriend who loves you from the bottom of her heart, she will think twice about walking away from the relationship forever once she no longer hears from you. Even if your ex has been deeply unhappy with you and has been telling herself that she no longer loves you, she will eventually come around. There’s a massive difference between not being in love with someone and not loving someone. Relationships rarely end because there is no love. Relationships end because couples are not in love and mistakenly believe that is what’s required to sustain a long-term relationship.

As we fall out of love, we take our partner for granted. Whether you screwed up, she screwed up, or if both of you screwed up, if your ex girlfriend no longer hears from you, even if she’s in a rebound relationship, she will quickly miss you and she will realize that you might move on. She’ll begin to wonder if you are going to find another woman, just as you’re wondering if she’s falling for another man.

How can she Move On so Easily: I Thought she Needed to Find Herself?! Was it Rebound Cheating?

The reason why she broke up with me was that she said that she had to find herself and she doesn’t really know what she needs right now. All she knows is that she feels like she can’t do it while she’s in a relationship but since the breakup, her social media behavior changed. She’s posting a lot of positive stuff and she’s dating someone new again. So I wonder if there’s something wrong with me that didn’t make her happy and this means it’s over.

No, she knows exactly what she needs. It doesn’t matter if a woman is monkey branching and doesn’t care about you, or she cares about you but wants to get out of the relationship. When a woman says “I need to find myself” it always means “I need to find something else / someone else OUTSIDE of the relationship” — she already knows that whatever is going on in the relationship isn’t making her happy. See, she doesn’t want to address the problem. Either because she has no interest to solve the issue (narcissism), or because she has lost hope that things can change.

I need to find myself, or something’s missing and I can’t find it while we’re in the relationship. What does that actually mean? Are you putting shackles on her?

  • Are you telling her to not pursue a new job?
  • Are you telling her that she can’t go back to college?
  • Are you telling her that getting an MBA is a bad idea?
  • Are you telling her she can’t spend time with her friends?
  • Are you telling her that opening a business is too risky?

Maybe. I don’t know your entire relationship situation. But each of these issues could be resolved with honest communication. As a couple you gotta pull on one string. The bottom line is that she does not want to pull on the same string. Whatever she’s not happy with, she decided to let go instead of trying to find a solution for what’s making her miserable.

If you’re not specifically limiting her who she can be, how she wants to re-discover herself or try new things in life, then she’s just looking for a convenient way of getting out of the situation. It’s more likely that she thinks you as a whole don’t make her happy, and so she deludes herself that another guy might make her happier.

Ultimately, if you’re not imposing restrictions on her and if you’re not putting her into a tiny box of who she can be as a woman — which no doubt, some guys do out of insecurity — then why couldn’t she simply find herself with you? If she’d be head over heels for you, she’d want to share every single day with you what’s not making her happy about herself. She’d expect you to be her biggest support system. Every single day when she comes home from work, when she’s tired, or needs a shoulder to lean on, she’d tell you exactly why she isn’t happy with her life. And she’d want you to be there for her and listen to her needs, hoping that you will make everything better just by being there for her.

If her job would make her unhappy, she’d be ranting about work to you, and she’d hope that you’d listen to her problems. She might lack the confidence to make a change, but with the help and support of her boyfriend, she’d find the courage to do. That’s how a woman behaves who loves her man and is in love with him. She’ll rely on her man when she has a crisis in life. But, instead, she decided to leave — which let’s be real: Is much harder than being able to rely on your loving boyfriend. So she chose the hard path, going at it alone to find herself. And let’s be real, she doesn’t need to find herself. She needs to find herself without you. And most women will think right before the breakup, that another guy will solve their problems. This is why they rebound. But, of course, a random guy can’t just magically solve all her identity problems. Talking about it with you would have solved it.

Finding Out she Rebounded: Ex Girlfriend Dating Someone Else Right After a Breakup. How Could She?!

There’s not much I could do when we broke up. It’s not like I own her, so I couldn’t tell her what’s right for her. I felt I had to let her do what’s best for her. So we left it like that and went our own separate ways. It was hard but I tried to stay strong. I was doing relatively okay with no contact until last week when I found out that she’s already dating someone new.

This is the thing that always stings like a motherfucker. Guys couldn’t possibly act like that. Yes, men also rebound, no doubt about it. But the science of rebounds and breakup pain is clear. Women feel more pain after a breakup, but it only lasts for a very short while. Men deal with their breakup pain for a lot longer. Because when we commit to a woman, we really mean it. For us, making a commitment is a big step. The average man isn’t desired by countless women — unless he has massively developed his looks, money, and status. So we can’t just find another girlfriend that easily.

Of course, as you get older, develop yourself, work on your social skills, become charismatic, build a stable income, have your own business, and so on, things become easier — but that typically happens in our 30s or 40s. So I can imagine you must feel devastated seeing her with another man so shortly after the breakup. But don’t make the mistake of making her behavior a reflection of the value that you have as a man. Whether it is only a short rebound, or he is truly your replacement, the one she’s been eying as your long-lasting replacement, this does not mean that you are less of a man. It hurts a lot when a woman seemingly replaces you like you never mattered, but whether a woman does this out of desperation and pain, our out of a tendency to easily replace men because she is incapable of valuing what her boyfriend has to offer, you are still a great guy.

Anything she needs or wants doesn’t reflect how great you are and how much potential you have for the future. After a breakup, always center your focus around yourself, not your ex girlfriend. You matter. Your personal growth matters. You moving forward in life matters. You getting out of your rut matters. What matters is to remind yourself that you are a powerful, intelligent, dedicated, passionate, and kind man. When an ex girlfriend finds another guy really fast after it breakup, it does not negate any of these qualities. Even if you made some mistakes during your relationship, you’re a sum of all your qualities — not just the bad ones that you tend to focus on after a breakup.

Keep focusing on yourself. When an ex girlfriend quickly finds a new man, you tend to ask yourself questions like:

  • Is the other dude just way better than me? How the hell did she find someone so quickly?!
  • Was I bad at giving her emotional support or showing affection? Am I really this oblivious to how unhappy my girlfriend was? Am I a bad boyfriend?
  • Was I not good enough in bed? Did I fail to please her? Was she bored with me?
  • Did I neglect her needs or prioritize myself too much? Did I make her feel underappreciated?
  • Was I not financially stable enough for her? Am I an undependable loser?
  • Do I have any personality traits or habits that are undesirable? Is there something about me that is a big turn off?
  • Did I have emotional baggage or issues that screwed things up? Am I not perceived as a strong, reliable man?

You won’t find a decent answer to these questions right after a breakup — even if you read a lot great relationship advice, everything that you try to rationalize early on during a breakup will be heavily biased. So don’t be too hard on yourself.

I know it is hard to imagine how one could be replaced within just a few weeks or months after a relationship that lasted longer than a year. Fuck, what a painful experience! But, I will give you a dose of truth now about your ex girlfriend because I do not believe that this was a rebound relationship situation, because she is moving on far too quickly.

Is It A Rebound Relationship: Her Rebound Is An Old Friend — Aka A Male Orbiter

She’s having a rebound with a guy that she’s been friends with for a long time. I actually met the guy once at a party with friends. So I kind of know him. He’s relatively attractive, I’d say, and ever since I found out that she’s dating him, I can’t stop thinking about her. And I’ve gone from only thinking about her occasionally to thinking about her non-stop and feeling really impulsive.

Ah, yes, your ex girlfriend has been making use of a male orbiter. This is your reality check: She’s just freshly out of a relationship, and now she is dating some guy that you knew. And she has known him for a while. She knew all along that he is interested in her. He probably wasn’t an option for her while you were still together, but as soon as she no longer felt satisfied in the relationship, she made up her mind that he would become the new guy to date. A good woman in relationship would keep her distance from a man who clearly is interested in her. But the fact that he is someone that you are fairly familiar with sounds like a massive red flag to me.

This man has been waiting to make his move and your ex girlfriend already signaled to him to be ready when the time would be right because she kept in touch with him. As soon as you were out of the picture, he knew that he could go on the prowl. And she knew that she would have someone else who could make her feel valued. Perhaps he’s been subtly flirting with her for a long time while you were still in a relationship. She most likely enjoyed the attention that she received from him when she felt as if the attention that she got from you was no longer satisfactory. And then, bam, she magically found a new man. Isn’t that convenient? It’s like your ex can find a new man faster than a bar girl lies to man that his imaginary friends started ordering drinks on his tabs. Actually, you know what? That’s not a fair comparison. At least a bar girl makes you feel appreciated for a change.

Is she in a rebound relationship? Nah man, her behavior is a reflection of what a back-stabbing woman she is. One day, she simply decided that what he offered to her was better than what you had to offer. And this has nothing to do with you. A great woman would never care what another guy can offer her, because she’d be grateful for what her man chooses to offer to her every single day.

If this isn’t your first breakup, take a moment to think about this. When was the last time that you moved on with your life and started dating another woman right away? I’m assuming for most of you the answer is going to be: Never. But let me know in the comments, what do you think about moving on so quickly after a breakup?

Relationships aren’t drive thrus, where we go for the latest craving whenever we feel like it. Instead, they’re meant to be enjoyed slowly and delicately. This whole behavior reminds me of the day when my dog died. He got run over by a truck int he middle of the night, and I had to bury him, and then I grabbed a huge bottle of vodka, and miserably spent the rest of the night reminicing my time with him. As the sun was rising, I went to the beach and sat near my favorite spot. Then one of my friends, a local surf instructor dropped by and he asked me what’s wrong and he told me “Don’t worry. We can get you a new dog!” And I was just thinking “What theee…” But he meant well, and he wasn’t the brightest so, anyway, you get the idea. I wasn’t too thrilled about the idea of just replacing my dog that had just died with another puppy. It’s just not what humans do.

Your situation is just way too convenient for my taste. She is dating exactly the guy she’s been talking to for God knows how long. Now, I want you to stay strong. I know this is painful, but you can be happy without this woman. Because she acts as if your relationship had no value. She shows no respect for what you shared.

Understandbly, you can’t stop thinking about her now because this behavior of hers feels like betrayal. It feels like rejection. And now you’re thinking about her, whether you should break no contact, should you talk to her and she what’s really going? I get it, man, your heart is telling you “I need talk to her. I got to figure out what is going on,” but trust me, this will serve no purpose. Her dating someone so quickly changes nothing about the situation, except for the fact that you should have more clarity now about how she feels about you. So fight the urge to act on your impulses, and keep up no contact. Not even to re-attract her. Do it to heal and to start feeling better. This is a bit of a setback for you, but you’ll get back on track.

When Your Ex Starts Dating: Resist The Urge To Break No Contact With Your Ex-Girlfriend

I keep on thinking about breaking no contact and seeing how she’s doing, which I know is a bad idea, but it’s hard to not be emotional right now. I don’t know what this means. I didn’t expect her to be in a rebound relationship after just one and a half months, especially considering what her reason for breaking up was.

Exactly! One and a half months after a breakup to have a rebound is pretty quick! It’s possible, for sure, but for my taste it’s too soon. I had a really bad breakup a few years ago. How fast did I have a new girlfriend or dated a new girl? It probably took me roughly six months, and quite frankly, that girl was still a rebound. Back then I wasn’t ready to date yet. Healthy people need their time to heal. I met a girl once at a party who still wasn’t over her ex after roughly two years. She said she was still looking at his social media from time to time. Now, that’s too long. You shouldn’t hold on to an ex that long. But in the end, you take the time you need, and you certainly don’t rush it. The way that she’s not taking her time to process the breakup is a red flag in itself, and then of course, there’s the fact that this guy has been orbiting her for a long time, which is another big red flag. She is with another guy not because of confusiong, but because she had been planning this all along.

This happens quite frequently with my clients that the girl found another guy, relatively conveniently, fairly quickly, often it’s been sort of like a long-distance relationship, with a bit of space between them because I have lots of clients from the US, or Canada, and then it’s pretty easy for the girls to line up a replacement whether it’s a conscious action or just a subconscious realization. Especially if there was already physical distance that was slowly creating more emotional distance. Then, when the girl breaks it off, if she only felt neglected and lonely, it often is a real rebound and the girl clearly misses him after they ended it.

But I don’t think it is a rebound in your case because almost no time has passed since being with the, well, we can’t call him the new guy, can we? I guess we should call him the old guy. She clearly had this guy in the picture for a while and she had been mentally preparing to dump you for him. When she said she has to find herself, she was just fooling you. She just didn’t want to be revealed to be slut. She didn’t want to have to face that she got no integrity. She took the easy route because can you imagine the shame you would feel when your ex would find out that you had been secretly scheming to leave her because of another man who you believe might be better for you? Being honest with herself would cause cognitive dissonance. She probably really tells herself that she just wanted to break up and that the way she handled the situation was the right way to go at it. But no, the reality is, your ex has been setting herself up to start a new home, while she was still living with you — in your home. So she did not have to find herself. She just had to find an excuse.

When Your Ex Replaces You Quickly: It’s Painful But Do You Really Want Her Back? Find A Better Woman!

It sounded to me that she wanted to be alone for a while but it looks like she’s moved on super fast. I’m hurt, disappointed, and just in general, all over the place. Right now with my emotions the last week have been difficult. I stopped hitting the gym. Work is hard to focus on and I’ve become quite lazy. binging way too much Netflix. I lost my energy and hope that we can get back together again after giving her space. What’s your assessment of the situation? And what do you think about her rebound relationship? Should I be worried?

Should you be worried about her rebound relationship? Well, no, but let me be more precise. You should not get back with her. That’s why you don’t need to be concerned about her rebound. A rebound should happen after a few months. Maybe there are exceptions where it happens within 1-2 months, but in your case, it wasn’t a rebound, it was a replacement. That’s a huge difference! Who knows for how long she’s been giving this guy hopes of getting together once she broke up with you? This could have been going on for months before the breakup. He’s not a stranger!

You may only have found out about them dating now, but this could have been going on inofficially for much longer. A narcissistic woman who monkey-branches and jumps from one guy to another values her reputation, and she won’t do anything in public that will make her look bad. There’s no way of knowing how bad this situation is, but you should go by the assumption that whenever you found out that she has been dating this guy, it’s been inofficially going on before that already. Nobody flicks their finger and has a new partner right away after a breakup. Not even an attractive woman. There was at least a short warmup phase.

For your ex, this man will be easily replaceable, just like she replaced you. So their rebound likely won’t last. She’ll be miserable once she misses what she had with you, then she’ll probably dump him, and come flying back to you like a vulture that wants to eat the remains of what’s left of the affection that you have for her. What you should worry about is that she has been lining up your replacement and that she doesn’t value you. She doesn’t respect you. And she will never treat you with respect. I guarantee you, anything that she will do in the future, such as reaching out to you, will only bring you more frustration, disappointment, confusion, depression, and so on.

You haven’t mentioned how long you had been together but quite frankly, it’s not significant. Commitment in a relationship is the alpha and the omega. If a woman has no capacity to commit to you fully to you at the start, she’ll won’t do so in the end. And she won’t do after a restart.

It’s normal and healthy that you want your ex back after a breakup, or that you still have this feeling of commitment to her, but make no mistake: She is not as committed to you as you are to her. I think it’s great that you still love her. It speaks a 1000 words about the good character that you have. Now it’s time to let those feelings fade out over time. Don’t be like her either. Don’t jump into the next relationship right away. Take the time to reflect and heal. Unlike her, you won’t just find another woman a week later because you’re a man of character. But, you will move forward. As hard as it sounds, you can do it. Take your time to let go of the pain. Don’t try to make sense of how she could do this to you. Spend the time to re-commit to yourself to grow and rise up stronger, like the phoenix from the ashes.

Your breakup scenario is clear-cut to me, but even in a breakup scenario that is within the grey area where neither of you is fully to blame and reconciliation is possible, at some point, you always need to detach from your emotions and accept that she is probably not coming back, and even if she is, do I still want her back by that time?This question should be easy for you to answer in your situation because she didn’t care at all about the way how she broke up. When this woman comes back, she will only be trouble.

Face The Truth: Your Ex Chose That You Don’t Matter To Her But Another Woman Will Choose You!

But let me make this clear one more time. If we look at your relationship on a timeline, she didn’t cut you off very close to the end. This is usually how women do it. They get more and more displeased, they lose their feelings, their joy and love in the relationship, and during the last 10 percent they may start paying attention to other men, or make the final commitment to leave you. But she didn’t cut you off near the last 10%. She cut you off somewhere in the middle. There was already no commitment long before the breakup. Or maybe there never truly was any long-term commitment.

So do you really want to be back with her? Even if I give her the benefit of the doubt and this is really a rebound relationship, you can’t just take a woman back lightheartedly when she treated you so callously. She should apologize if ever she comes back. But, let’s be real. You will probably never get an apology, just excuses and entitlement why it was right for her to leave you. If you don’t see a sign from a woman that she loves you, misses you, recognizes that she made a terrible mistake by replacing you with another man so quickly, then why should you get back with such a woman? A man doens’t reward a woman’s red flags.

As soon as you invite the red flags into a relationship, they will appear over, and over, and over. If you’d get back together there’s always a risk that she has a “friend” again who conveniently becomes her boyfriend shortly after yet another boyfriend. It doesn’t sound to me as if you had a lot of fights during the relationship. No, she was just displeased with the relationship and felt that another man was more convenient for her.

Now imagine, the hypothetical scenario that you do get back together, but this time the relationship is in fact, worse than before. Now you really do have fights. It’s not just complacency, falling out of love, not cherishing each other. No, you’re actually at each other’s throats. Guess what she’s going to do. She will replace you with another man again faster than you can count to three. Life tends to get harder as we grow older. We become increasingly more dissatisfied with life in our 30s, 40s, up to our 50s, and then we become truly happy in life. So what happens when you are in those most crucial years?

  • You’re prone to have stress at work or your job will not make you feel fulfilled
  • You won’t be making enough money and you’ll want to start your own business but you’ll fail at first
  • You’ll have a mortage or student loans to to pay off

Guess what? All these stressful life events will strain your relationship? That’s why you need to be with a good woman. Because only a good woman will stick around when an unexpected storm hits your life, your family, your relationship.

So, I have two questions for you that you should ask yourself to wrap this video up:

  • Is she the type of woman that is going to stick around during tough times?
  • is it likely that another woman is more patient to give you the commitment that you need?

If you did some things wrong in your relationship, resolve them and maybe your relationship has hope. But is your ex girlfriend going to commit to you? I’m an advocate for fixing your broken relationship with a good-hearted woman, but I’m not an advocate of getting an ex back who has no capacity to make you happy!

Drawing that line is a bit difficult, that’s why you always need to pay attention to a woman’s behavior patterns. Be rational about the things she says and does.

  • How often does she seek validation from outside of a relationship?
  • Does she regularly show you signs that she loves & respects you?
  • Does she have emotional moments where she irrationally misses you? Yes, that is a good sign when done in moderation because it proves to you that she is crazy for you in a good way
  • How often does she right her wrongs? Does she acknowledge when she causes damage to the relationship?

I hope this advice was helpful for you and will make you think. You should keep up no contact, even if there is a possibility of getting back together in the future. Do not message her. What she is doing with her new man doesn’t matter. She will likely dump him again. This man made his choice to orbit her and made his move as soon as she was remotely emotionally available. Their relationship won’t work out but even if it will, they will be two integrityless people perfectly made for each other.

Live your life and think about these questions. You were doing OK until you found out about this guy. You were hitting the gym and now you are having a short setback. This breakup pain is only temporary and you will be able to focus again. You’ll get on top of your game and when that time comes, another woman will notice. A good woman who has some of the qualities that I would like you to reflect on. And when you feel ready, when you no longer think about your ex girlfriend, even if she’s still dating this guy, go and start dating again. Open a dating app, or even better, try to meet a woman somewhere in public. Have some casual fun. Go on some fun dates and rebuild something much better than what you had before.

A friend of mine broke up with his ex girlfriend recently. It’s probably been two months since the breakup. Well, she broke up with him but it was a messy relationship and there was no future anyway. He’s currently dating around but he isn’t hooking up at all. He’s also not in a rush to have serious dates or start a serious relationship. He’s just going with the flow, without pressure, hanging out with some nice women and having good conversations during coffee dates, going out to some nice bars, and that’s it. He’s just taking time for himself to enjoy life again after a long period of a relationship that made him miserable.

He’s not trying to bring them home. He doesn’t care for seducing them and having sex. Being in the presence of a good woman is often rewarding enough because it lifts up your spirit. Again, don’t rush this, but I’m sure when you are ready, this will help you a lot to move on and before you know it, you will have found a woman who makes you so much happier than your ex-girlfriend.

And even if it takes you a while to find a girlfriend, the mere fact that you experience other women appreciating what you have to offer will build your spirit up. So, I wish you all the best in your process of breakup recovery. The most important part is to keep focused on yourself. Forget your ex-girlfriend. Let go of your need to overthink about their relationship. Stay laser-focused on what kind of a great relationship you’ll have in the future with a much better woman.

If this was helpful for you, get my program PhoenEx — The 3 Step Blueprint to Re-Attract an Ex. The program breaks down the psychology of No Contact and most importantly, it teaches you the right approach to personal growth after a breakup to rise like the phoenix from the ashes, so that you come out stronger & happier from this breakup.

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If this was helpful, book a coaching session with me. Coaching sessions are available in English & German.

If you cannot afford coaching sessions, send me an e-mail (max. 900 characters long, English language) and if I find the time, I will make a free video about your situation. I cannot guarantee a video since I receive a lot of e-mails.

If you can’t afford coaching sessions, my book Unleash The King Within or my training program Confidence King are great self-help tools that you can use to improve your personal life and your dating experiences.

Hi, I’m Andy Graziosi. I help men unleash their confidence and reach their fullest potential. My science-backed philosophy is: “The king is already a winner.” — Amazing women are already attracted to you. All a king has to do is use this attraction to his advantage.

You can date your dream woman. I help you develop & maintain a strong masculine frame. This helps you overcome your dating insecurities & become a force to be reckoned with.

If you need help, feel free to reach out to me.

Get my FREE E-Book + Audio-Book (until Jan 1st 2023)

I’m writing a new book with 88 principles on what it takes to be a high value man. It’s the ultimate guide on how to be desired by any woman that you want. I’m giving it away FOR FREE to anyone who signs up before it’s released. No catch! It’s a win-win. You get a great book & I might get some great reviews when the book launches.

Unleash The King Within Dating Book

In Unleash The King Within, you’ll learn the mindsets, principles, and mental models to not only to gain confidence around women, but also to tap deep into it, and to take advantage of it to create the life that you want to live together with your dream woman.

The key here is the mindset shift that this book will install. It’s a new lens that clarifies and helps you see the king within you who is always surrounded by women who want to be with him.

Once you have this new mindset, you literally start attracting breathtaking women everywhere you go without having to lift a finger.

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Dating Advice On YouTube

Follow my dating advice for men. I post daily content on how to attract women.

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